Original Stats: 24o.5 lbs // waist 47" // BMI: 35.7
Current Weight: 226 lbs.
Waist: 44.5 inches
BMI: 33.4 (obese)
Previous week:
Weight: 226 lbs
Waist: 44.5 inches
BMI: 33.4 (obese)
Loss for the week: ZERO! lbs AGAIN!!
Lost so far: 14.5 lbs. = 6% of my body weight.
Commentary: Seems I do great all week and then friday night comes and for one reason or another I eat the wrong things. Like dutch oven potatoes, s`mores, chocolate chip cookies, BBQ-potatochips, corn chips. the only thing I haven't had is a real soda with sugar. I abuse diet soda like an alchoholic abuses near beer. this was all at the father-and-sons camp out for my brother's ward. I followed suit for breakfast having bacon, eggs (wich are okay) and buttermilk pancakes with pure high fructose corn syrup laced with artificial maple flavoring. I guess I shouldn't be so dissapointed because I haven't gained any weight back, but I feel I have wasted two weeks because I have made no progress. Oh, well. Right back at it! Now, I am trying to plan ahead for the dietary land mines, I guess the next one is the Alaska Bostons are comming down soon and that means family togetherness wich equals FOOD and usually lots of it.