I have recently noticed a falling a way at the BL2009 blog. I regret to inform you that I am part of that fray as well. I have gained a few pounds back (3) I am at 224 and rising. And I didn't want to report that. Like not blogging about it keeps the pounds off. Ha! This is where I always arrive, and then I slowly gain it all back plus more. Not this time! I call for a re-commitment from the group. For my growing tummy's sake, lets get back into this! Next Monday is the official coming back day. All is forgiven, let us continue our journey. There is no need to start over, we are well on our way, lets keep the Oct 4th end date in our sights and press on. I have a dream, a dream of responsible eaters and weight losers! A dream of judging a plate by the content of its character and not by the calories it brings. A dream of a balanced life of liberty and the pursuit of exercise to enjoy life and liberty (until Obama takes it away next week). A dream of endless fruits and vegetables and lean meats with spice. A dream of a world free from the bondage of High Fructose Corn Syrup and MSG, small waist bands and thinner ankles, fewer chins and more chin-ups, less rolls and more Rollerblades and... and...
Is that Rocky Road in my freezer?